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If you head over to and you’ve got your ad blockers off, you’ll notice a Halo 4 banner at the top of the screen. By playing the video, you start the live action trailer showcased at Microsoft’s E3 press conference, but about ten seconds into the video, some strange stuff starts happening.

The interference pushes strange images across the whole of the page, and text begins to pop up in spurts. Halo fans are already knee deep in decrypting the message, and although the Latin text has been run through a translator, it’s still mostly gibberish, but definitely not Lorem Ipsum.

If anyone remembers the I Love Bees campaign for Halo 2, you’ll get pangs of nostalgia watching this. So band together, internet. Figure this out for me because I’m far too lazy to do it on my own. I suggest high-tailing it over to ESPN’s site before the ad is gone for good.