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Michael-5 said:
EdHieron said:
Michael-5 said:

I don't think PS3 sales will surpass 360 sales by the time the successor consoles roll in, and definatly not before Wii U if it even passes 360 at all, but anyway....


I'm not impressed with PS3, and before anyone flips out, here is why. Compare PS3's exclusive lineup with PS1' and PS2's... It's a joke. Nevermind all the HD multiplatform games, what happened to all the niche titles and JRPG's? IMO 360 has better shooters and Nintendo has better action games. I've always loved my PS1 and PS2 for the JRPG's and in general hardcore games. InFamous is one of the few niche exclusive franchises that I think warrents a purchase of a PS3.

So while I think PS3 is a great console, and I am happywith it, it could have been so much better.

Exclusives like Tales of Xillia should be localized more quickly, and games like Lair and White Knight Chronicles could have been really cool if they had taken more time to develop. Because of all these missed opportunities, I think PS3 is okay at best. No better then the 360, and that's not saying much...

As it stands now, for me there are only 5 reasosn to own a PS3. InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted, Gran Turismo and The Last of Us. I could live without Killzone and Resistance fine, and I'm not a fan of God of War or Demon Soul's.

5 franchises compared to 20 plus for PS1 and PS2 each is a joke. IMO the Wii has a better exclusive library in JRPG's alone.

The Wii only has four action games with Game Stat's scores of 9.0 to 10.0.  The Playstation 3 has 13.  And you might not like it, but God of War III's GameStat's score is as high as that of any action game on Wii.

Okay.... I'm still not impressed, and I don;t care for GameStat. A lot of underappreciated low volume niche games never get uniformly high reviews. I mean InFamous is probably my favorite PS3 game, and it's not one of the better rated PS3 games.

Also this is my opinion, the question was am I impressed, and I'm not. PS3 shows a huge drop in quality from the PS2 and PS1.

I mean just count how many JRPG exclusives PS3 has and compare it to PS1 and PS2.

It's not exactly Sony's fault if jrpgs haven't turned out to be as popular as thy used to be.  There have been a few though that have gotten generally good reviews this gen though including some niche exclusives on PS3 like the Eternal Mana games, Catherine ( not really a jrpg and also on 360 but still imo that kind of niche game), and the upcoming highly anticipated Ni No Kuni.