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I am not terribly concerned by the numbers for the 360. The reality is that Microsoft has a lot of options if it wants to increase sales, and it isn't as if they don't have a huge unit moving title coming in the fall. Halo is a franchise that generates its own gravity. Regardless of what is going on in the surrounding space. I guess what I am saying is that the sales will recover.

What I find interesting and disconcerting is the fact that the Vita is replicating the PS3s life cycle. Except it isn't at all clear that Sony can afford to rectify the problem. Were it not for the loss leading intervention on the part of Sony to absorb greater losses with the PS3. The console would not have survived its first year in the market. How many here honestly believe that Sony can afford to cut the price of the Vita by as much as a third.

We know Sony is in dire financial straights, and that means that Sony may have to abandon the product. Either by their own volition, or being forced to do so by retailers. Those figures are in dangerous territory, and it isn't clear that the shelf space being allotted for the product is fiscally feasible for retailers. Remember it costs money for a retailer to keep something on the shelf. There is a lot of overhead that goes into selling merchandise, and if they are selling a single unit every month.

Look I think we all remember what was happening to the PS3 prior to Sony taking a wood axe to the retail price. The shelf space was shrinking, and if this happens to the Vita, and no intervention materializes. Well I am going to say something that is going to piss some people off. The Vita might not make it into the holidays. It might be off the shelves by early fall. Don't kill the messenger it is a possibility that should be genuinely considered.

The difference between Microsoft and Sony is the difference between night and day. Microsoft can afford to do things that will generate sales both in the short and long term. Sony doesn't seem to have any options. It doesn't look like Sony is in a position to save the Vita if it comes to that, and Sony may have to let the product die. Some may say things are getting boring, but really a handheld succumbing to the market and dieing. Well now that isn't something you see every day.