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Got my first set item drop yesterday.
Was a not so good WD head item.
Stats rolled on it were good considering the possible stuff, but overall it's still one of the worse set item but I managed to sell it for 400k ( which isn't bad considering there were more than 50 pages on it on the AH, the lowest going for 50k)...

Did more Act 2 farming and tried again Act 3.
Basically I need teleport in Act 3 to do ok ( or I keep dying to wallers) but then I have too few attacks options and they all cost arcane power so I need to change something... One way would be to get some arcane power on crit ( because celestial orb is a crit machine) or I would have to drop diamond skin but I am loathe to do that..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !