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Dodece said:
CGI-Quality said:
Dodece said:
Obviously most people haven't put too much thought into their lists. It seems most everyone is just rattling off lists of games they like. Rather then paying any heed to release dates, or the money they will actually spend. Seriously some of you plan to spend over two thousand dollars on games this year. I for one don't buy that a appetite that voracious would have had you renting your games ages ago.

Or maybe those people actually plan to buy the games they listed. That could be a possibility.

To be frank - what you believe will happen is irrelevant.

To be frank these forums are a hot bed of hyperbole. It isn't a belief so much as it is experience talking. Every year people go over the top with their lists, and every year they end up cutting back by the time it comes to follow through with their bravado. It isn't just the cost mind you, but the reality that you can only have so much time to play with. Playing a thousand hours of games sounds good in theory. Until you take into account that you might want to have things like genuine human interaction, a job, or taking part in other activities.

Every year it is like kids in a candy store. They proudly proclaim they are going to eat all the candy. Having forgotten they said the same thing the previous year, and had to tap out at three pounds of gummi bears. My point being is if your going to settle for something more realistic in the end. Why not start there instead of debating which game your going to have to go with three months from now. Why go through the same song and dance all over again.

By the way I read something interesting while I was making my shopping list. Dead World is going to have a MSRP of $50 when it launches since it will be close to the end of the generation. Crossing my fingers that it becomes a trend next year. Lower starting prices make for safer bets for the price conscious.

Be that as it may you still sound arrogant when you say things like that. YOu dont know these people and you have no idea what their financial situation is or why they would not buy a game they said they would. Liek it being crappy. 

I for one have at least spent about 900 bucks and its only June. Got the Vita with that crazy memory card, Uncharted, Gravity Rush and Ninja Gaiden. thats about 400. got 3ds with MK7 and Mario 3d land, thats 250, bunch of backlog games, Xenoblade, PSN games and stuff. PSN+ membership, new HD for PS3, etc.