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SamuelRSmith said: said:
SamuelRSmith said: said:
KungKras said:
Why would they want to prevent the muslim brotherhood from gaining power. As long as it is through democratic processes, just let them rule, and if they mismanage, the public will vote for another party. What's the problem?

Yup. Let people choose and suffer/enoy the consequences and learn their lesson. This is probably the only way.


The military has been playing a dirty game. Mubarak was just their puppet after all.

If I was an Egyptian I couldn't care less if every single other person in the country voted for Muslim Brotherhood, I still wouldn't want their shit enforced on me

Yeah, so let's allow this joke to continue and get another Mubarak who will push illiteracy rates above 50% and get even more people to vote based on nothing but religion and lose any slight chance or real democracy to ever happen..../sarcasm

Brotherhood will folliow the turkish model, Turkey isn't bad.


Meh, I don't know the ins and out of Egyptian politics. I know the election is between a rock and a hard place. My point was being that " Let people choose and suffer/enoy the consequences and learn their lesson. " isn't fair or just for the people who didn't vote for tyranny.



Basically, fuck democracy.

To hell with democracy if it's gonna invade minorities rights, I am completely with you here. I just think the brotherhood is the better option.

Actually, scratch that, this whole thing is being fabricated, so why bother? the millitary should just come out and tell us who is the next president instead of wasting time.

Hats off to Mohamed ElBaradei (and PullusPardus ), he saw this coming long ago and left the elections race.