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I got my barb to 60 just so that he could wear the stuff I had found for him ( to clear my stash) but honestly I'm not really excited about playing him in Inferno yet. It's not really that I am afraid of the difficulty( he's already at 550 resists and I just killed Hell Diablo), it's just that I like my wizard better and I think I will go back to her in the next days...
I have decided to stop using the AH too, I will still sell stuff I find but I'm not buying anything there anymore except recipes ( not that I spent much, I spent like 1.5 mill total on the Wiz and nothing on the barb ( he wears the gear the wiz found).
The extra cash I have will go into crafting...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !