so after over two years, gow3 has 700,000 copies on shelves. i doubt that. i agree with the user earlier, ioi has a serious grudge against god of war.
a similar fiasco happened in the winter on 2010. uncharted 2 & gow3 were doing phenomenal numbers week in and week out, topping the chartz every week. it was my sole joy that holiday, because the ps3 was getting its ass kicked in hardware sales. it was nice to see two ps3 exclusives doing so well. then they were both heavily adjusted down. i was hurt.
now vgc is doing it again. why did they raise gow3 numbers, if were going to bring them back down? to troll gow3 fans? i think so. if vgc doesnt get his shit together and SOON, i swear to the almighty zeus, that ill leave vgc and never return again!