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Never really did a "first day sales" thread for XBLA games, but Rez HD is rather staggering so....


Rez HD (as of 0745 EST, Thurs.)10526
Metal Slug 37780.8
Omega 56026.4
Arkadian Warriors5844
Word Puzzle4902.8
Sensible World of Soccer4077.6
Boogie Bunnies3470.4
Asteroids & Deluxe3195
Spongebob Underpants Slam! 1961.8
Chessmaster LIVE (as of 0745 EST)1363
Shrek 'n' Roll826.2


It's pretty good news both for the makers of Rez, XBLA, and fans. It's been ages since there's been a real high-selling title to debut. Using weighted numbers, 11,000 copies have most likely been sold since this morning. Raw numbers also sugguest that Rez might wind up somewhere around 25,000-30,000 copies (using non-weighted raw data) for the first week. Effectively doubling the next-highest selling game, Metal Slug 3.

As expected, Chessmaster LIVE hasn't sold through as quickly as Rez. But it should still wind up doing fairly well. The only game that has released in tantem as a $10 title was Shrek n Roll, which barely did more than Chessmaster has done for it's first 3 days. This should bode well for CM Live - and could wind up with raw data of 2,500 units sold.


Updated: Over 10,000 in raw numbers since Wed. morning. This means in about 30hrs, it's already done 3,000 more units in sales than MS3 did in 80hrs.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.