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spaceguy said:
richardhutnik said:
gergroy said:
the rich getting richer isn't a problem as long as it isn't having an adverse effect on the rest of the classes. From my view, I don't think the US has a problem with rich people. I think this assault on the top 1% is crap. I think its crap that 50% of the population pays no taxes at all and yet go out and complain that the rich don't pay enough taxes.

That being said, I think that there needs to be room for compromise in government and when we are having such huge budget shortfalls, I think everything needs to be on the table, including tax increases. I think there needs to be way more spending cuts, welfare needs reform, and tax loopholes need to be closed. If taxes need to be raised then it should be raised across all incomes, not just the rich. Just think how much income the government would get if that 50% had to pay a couple hundred dollars instead of nothing. Personally, I'm a school teacher and I probably only pay 3% to 5% a year in taxes.

Do you think there would of been any cutting of taxes on the top, if there wasn't cutting of taxes for everyone else?  Would you vote to have the taxes on top cut, if you didn't get your own taxes cut?  And do you think the public would vote their taxes be raised, while also seeing their benefits cut?

In regards to taxes, the poor do pay sales tax and social security taxes.   The unemployed pay 10% of their unemployment as taxes also.  There are taxes paid.  

It is a big nut to crack, and congress can't even do anything.  They have to go brinkmanship, that would trigger automatic budget cuts, because they couldn't even have a super committee agree to anything.  Congress wants someone to bully them into doing things and have it happen, and then go home and campaign against it, so they can get reelected.

What is going to come down, is that the automatic cross the board cuts will happen, and the Bush Tax cuts will expire.  Everyone's taxes will go up in this regard, what you wanted.  Very possibly social security payroll tax cuts to will expire.  Yes, taxes will be going up and no one will vote for it, but say the other side is to blame for it.

You are right on. Mitch said in so many words that they are shutting down the congress until Election. So the bush tax's expire after the election. Then there will be a short period in which they well blame each other and deadlock.

After the Super Committee failed, I figured this is what was set.  Issue here is that the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on the rich, and the Democrats aren't going to have they cut social programs and whatnot, unless they do.  Given this deadlock, you will see that what was agreed to at brinkmanship, will come to pass.  And this is why Democracies usually fail.  Unable to reach agreement on anything, a strong man comes in and bullies things to be, winning enough popular support to get what is needed, or shooting his way and applying the iron boot as needed.