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brendude13 said:
Gilmour said:

I'm pretty sure that if the Wii U can run games at 720p/60fps with extensive GamePad support and still display superior PS3/360 graphics, we will see some 3rd parties making games without GamePad support to enhance the visuals.

Then we could have 1080p/60fps + amazing graphics.  The controller really eats a lot of ressources.  But I'm pretty sure we will see awesome graphics in 2-3 years from now...

I really doubt it does, the screen resolution will probably be low to keep the costs down, and even then, the second image being rendered to the gamepad probably isn't that much of a stress on the GPU at all, especially if it's just a menu. As for games being 720p/60fps with superior graphics, I've only seen Assassin's Creed 3 (don't know if there are any more) and it runs at 720p/30fps and the visuals are on par with better lighting effects and anti-aliasing. We don't know if Ubisoft are almost maxing out the Wii U or if they have barely scraped the surface. We won't really know until the Wii U gets an exclusive game from a developer that can push consoles to the limit.

It's unlikely they are maxing it. It usually takes developers a few years to be able to make things shine on a new console.