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happydolphin said:
WiiBox3 said:
Well I decided to give FF IX another go. Just downloaded it from PSN. It took two hours for a PS1 game, I can't imagine trying to download a PS3 game. Wish me luck, it's installing now.

Lucky duck, enjoy it and share here if you can.

So far I am enjoying FF IX, but a few things get me down. Most of my issues with IX are very minor. Here is my thought process. FF IX was marketed as a return to FF games of old, which they did through art design, musical hints, and quirkiness.

Here is my first issue: Themed music. FFVI was known for having great theme music for each area you visited and many characters had their own themes. FFIX misses the mark on not giving some of their most interesting characters theme music. A prime example where theme music could have greatly improved the game would have been for the court jesters Zorn & Thorn.

These two are quirky and interesting, but they don't have the same sence of threat and amuse as they would have if they were given a theme like:

FF IV's Gogo's Theme (Thought I was going to say Kefka's theme, didn't you?)


My second issue with the game is waiting for a battle to load. The camera sweeps around several times before it shows the enimy and then you are able to fight. This is anoying when you are grinding, that you need to wait so long to get into battle, especially when each battle is relitively short. A couple reasons why I can't complain too much about it, this game was on the PS1 and their engine probably needed the time to load all of the assetts for the battle. Also Lost Odyssey had longer load times.

I had a couple other minor gripes, which I can't remember off the top of my head. I'll mention them later after I have gotten back to the game.

Up to this point I am enjoying the game, but I am not being drawn into the story as much as I would have been if I were younger. I feel the story is aimed at a younger audience with it's theme of fitting in and discovering who you really are. If I were in Jr. High or High School, I think this would have been right on the nose.