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Millenium said:
spaceguy said:
Millenium said:
I only running SETI@ at times.

Einstein@ Actually gives out certificates if you find gravitational waves. Pretty cool


I don't mean this in any sort of mean way, but I honestly couldn't care less about certificates or awards (Although money would be nice ). I run the program because I care about advancing the human possibility to discover other races (If they exist), contact them possibily, and even going into space in a more significant way.

I don't care about that either but just adds to it. I would love to hang something like that on my wall. Many programs don't give things out and I'm fine with that. I run 5 Programs and all about what I care about. All the programs have to do with space in some way or another. This all helps space travel in some way or in some form.  I'm sure other races exist but where? is the question. Our galaxy is 100,000 light years across and just to find some race 100 light years away would be hard enough.  To think there is  not intelligent life out there is the height of irrogance. To many stars to not think so. our galaxy  has 100,000,000,000 With a "B"and we are one galaxy out of billions, So the possibilities are well with in our favor.