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"The thing with Timesplitters is, if we made a sequel to Timesplitters, nobody would accept this apart from some fans, and we don't know how big the fan community is unfortunately"

"And we don't want to design this as packaged goods that launches on a console, and even if we did I don't think publishers would like the idea"

"Timesplitters is one of the most fun multiplayer games ever, and G-Face is a social entertainment platform - it's about online gaming.  I love the idea of a Timesplitters for G-Face"

"Kickstarter is a concept we thought about seriously.  Time will tell"


So, any thoughts on this?  Seems pretty crystal clear that we're not going to get another full-price console release of Timesplitters.  Would you play Timesplitters on G-Face if it were released on that? (For those who don't know what it is, I'm told it's like a cross between Steam and Facebook, for games, backed by Crytek).

Would you support a Kickstarter for Timesplitters 4?  How big do you think demand for the game actually is?  There's a thread doing the rounds on reddit at the moment that seems to be pretty popular, and I always see fans on here - but it's still hard to gauge how big the fanbase actually is.

One thing I haven't seen mentioned ever in any kind of official capacity is a HD Collection of Timesplitters.  Do you feel that would be a better idea?