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So on your suggestion D21 I have come to the DD thread.

My opinion? The best open world fantasy game I have ever played. I am honestly still a little in shock that it's an open world game that has such an incredibly fun, satisfying and deep combat system.

I have always found games like Skyrim mind numbingly boring because you are given this big huge interesting world but it's no fun to play in. Combat has no 'weight' or skill, it feels like you aren't hitting anything etc. It feels closer to an old mmo style of just click click click.

The fact that big monsters in DD actually feel like big monsters is great. Climbing on a cockatrice as it starts to fly and bringing it to ground simply never gets old.

Not only this but it manages to have boss fights that feel like they are taken from an action game. The 'Final battle'? The fact something that well done is in an open world game is incredible.

The one downside? Don't tease me with just one portcrystal in my first game Capcom. When I have 95% of the map explored and am strong enough that none of the normal enemies offer a challenge I should get at least 4 portcrystals instead of 1. That way I could place one outside cassardis, the shadow fort, the great wall and blue moon tower. I don't want to walk from GS to bluemoon tower again - Goblins, snow harpies, dire wolves, snow harpies, cyclops/griffin or neither, 4 strider bandits, snow harpies, group of bandits (mix of warrior, mage, strider and fighter), golem and 2 snow harpies, spiders. In that order -_-

Other things - Pawn system is so in depth it is crazy. Before release I heard lots of people complaining. Now pretty much nothing but praise. The post game content is ridiculous in the amount of depth and challenge it offers. The difference in classes is fantastic, although the warrior should get 6 skills to make up for only one weapon.

For me it's probably game of the year so far...... 6/10 =p

EDIT: @ Piggychan. Yes it's in post game that the wyrm and wyvern appear. Wyrm in watergod's altar. Wyvern in bluemoon tower. Also they can be placed about the map I believe. I have fought a drake on the plains of Gran Soren near that little pool of water with harpies. The wyvern on conquest road by harpies. never saw the wyrm in the open world though. Although did find one in the everfall. 

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.