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Euphoria14 said:
TWRoO said:
Euphoria14 said:
TWRoO said:
I don't really care if an achievement system is mandatory for devs or not, as long as I as a user can ignore the hell out of it. (preferably turn it off altogether without turning off other online features)

Always wondered why some dislike it. All it really is is a way to allow your friend to see what you have accomplished in game without the need to come over your house, boot up a game, check your treasures/stamps/etc... in a specific games menu.

There is zero downside to it and a ton of upside.

I would say to of course give the option to turn off the notifications, but other than not there is absolutely zero reason for Nintendo to not have mandated it.

Because it's basically just a cock measuring contest online. The downside is that some "gamers" are going out of their way to get what are otherwise useless or easy achievements, for no gain other than an extra notch on a publicly displayed points system.

I don't mind things like high scores tables for the right type of game, but when you start getting achievements for visiting parts of a game you have to go through to complete it anyway, or else getting a new notch each time you add an extra digit to your kill count it becomes less than worthless.

Online games IMO would benefit from something like a stats table for certain things in games (ie number of kills/wins or accuracy in an FPS, percentage of wins/2nd/3rd places in a racing game, as well as lap times... some adventure games might only need a single stat: percent complete) that way you have the interesting data, in more detail than with achievements and without the useless ones... and it's not ridiculously tied to other games as if there is some numerical comparison of skill that translates across all games in all genres.

Okay, so you don't like it, but a whole lot of us do. Simple answer is they add the option to disable the notification popup. Problem solved.

No reason to omit it all together because you think it's nothing more than a cock measuring contest. My idea pleases everyone. Nintendo's doesn't.

Your downside is incredibly weak by the way. Why do you care at all how or why others play their video games?

Also, trophies and gamerscore do not have a publicly available list within the console to show who has the highest. It is mainly for personal gain only and/or to compare with friends.

So like I said...

Non-mandatory hurts plenty.

Mandatory hurts no one.

I agree, that's why I said I don't care whether or not Ninty makes it mandatory for devs... as long as I can ignore it. And given that gaming is becoming increasingly multiplatform the vast majority of 3rd party games will have copy/pasted achievements from the other consoles anyway now that Nintendo has a system devs can use outside of the games themselves, so I don't think non-mandatory will hurt plenty.

Also I didn't know gamerscores and trophies were not listed.

So yes, ultimately, as long as it can be ignored Nintendo should have joined the camp and made it mandatory... I can't detract the experience from other gamers for my own view... Even if I think it is hurting gaming (10-15 years ago we were unlocking characters/cars or even extra levels... now we unlock little strings of text and have to buy characters/cars as DLC)