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Halo 4 is a return to the pioneering days of Halo: Combat Evolved, says 343's Frank O'Connor, with no guarantees as to what you'll discover once you step off the plane.

"I think the number one thing, and there was unanimous agreement in the studio, was that sense of exploration and awe and wonder that you had when you first tumbled out of the Bumblebee onto the surface of Halo in the first game," O'Connor told VentureBeat.

"And it was deliberate, of'd been playing this pretty awesome sci-fi shooter in a very claustrophobic starship, which is a pretty normal thing to do in a video game," he went on. "And then you find yourself in this incredible alien place, and you look up in the sky, and you see the other side of the Halo, and you think, 'I want to go there.' That's what we wanted to bring back."

Halo 4 is set on, or rather within Requiem - a hollow artificial planet which housesForerunner artefacts and devices. Expect a certain amount of trouble from the latter as you trot around with your jaw flapping.

The multiplayer is also true to the spirit of the classic, despite its new-fangled innovations. "A moment I remember very vividly... It was just this one game of Slayer we were playing months ago, and it all clicked. Even my new control scheme. And I felt this is totally Halo. But the stuff that's new is perfectly attached, and it also feels like Halo.

"And we were planning it and building it, but it's not real yet, right? But the second it's real, and the second all the pieces are together, and you play a mission with real fiction in it, you're like, I get it. I get why this did this. This was the right call."