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I think that once next patch goes in things are going to turn around.
Because from what I have seen of most glass canons farming Inferno they are dying alot and they may pull good items but that does not happen that often so the new repair costs are going to hurt them a lot.
Whereas the builds that are more survival oriented are going to be rewarded by the inferno tuning of enemie's damage...

I know right now my Wiz doesn't die anymore in Inferno Act 1 and doesn't die that much in Act 2 so I am looking forward to those changes , I'm just hoping they are not too extreme...( running 6500 armor, 27.5k hp, 26k dps, 600 resists( got a lot of room for improvement on armor, just need to get drops...)).
PS : I don't run force armor, I don't have to, I run prismatic armor...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !