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Well I spent most of the afternoon farming Act 2 inferno with my wiz yesterday and after a string of bad lucks I got some decent drops in my last run.
Got a 762 dps 1h axe with str and vit that will go to my barb ( he is in Act 2 hell right now) and got some nice gloves upgrade for my wiz ( 109 int, 42 resist all, 15 IAS, +3% crit). Sadly they are only lvl 59 or I could have rolled much higher crit chance...

4K more dps or so and I can try to farm Act 3 again. ( I am at 27.5k hp, 6500 armor, 26k dps and ~600 resists right now I can kill stuff there but it takes too long and I can not keep NV stacks yet as I have to skip too many elites).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !