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Cougarman said:
EdHieron said:
DieAppleDie said:
is that a joke?
last week charted 38, 132 weeks after release
its selling better than lots of your beloved franchises that were released way after
and its keeping Wii in its way to outsell Ps1

It might outsell PS1, but it's never going to hit PS2 numbers in either sales or number of green games at Metacritic.

by that criteria no console can be considered a success, even (Gasp) the PS3

Well how many other consoles have started off soundly in third place at the beginning of a gen and continuing far past the midway point to wind up being the top selling console in that gen week after week at the gen's conclusion?  I can only think of two and that would be the PC Engine in Japan versus the Famicon and the Super Nintendo in the 16 bit gen.  And as far as Green games go, the PS3 is certainly going to have a lot more than Wii when this gen is over and sheer game quality wise it's going to be remembered as being far beyond the Wii in that respect.