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i havent been impressed with anything from PS this gen

if you go back to 05-07 and look at all the hype with bluray and the CELL its pretty laughable now. the PS3 has been nothing but a nightmare for most devs the 50gb disk space has not been used to its potential with most all games this gen. lots of exclusive games took to long, have not been seen or released yet like twisted metal, socom, TLG, agent, gt5 and many loss exclusiveness assassins creed, la noir, resident evil, FF, and metal gear

sales wise is nothing to write home about "wait till 299" came and gone with little affect it only outsold 360 for one NPD after it went to 299 and still hasnt passed it WW even though HDD vs HDD skus has been cheaper than 360 since last fall

i'll never be impressed with ps3 most of its exclusives to me compromise gameplay for cinematics and im unsure if its future tiles will change that for me TLOU and beyond, and gt5 car list is just unacceptable

what would impress me for the future PS console would be if it can have up to par multi plats or surpass compared to the other consoles, have more mature themed games, a FPS and TPS that is comparable to gears and halo content and feature wise, and for GT to have a more broader car list from the western manufactures

and imo if the ps3 ever passes the 360 it shouldnt mean nothing celebrations should be kept at a minimal since it took so long, yrs from now when we look back at this gen most will accept that the 360 was like the ps2 for 7th gen with all that it accomplished, what it offered and how much of a household name it became during that time


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