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Wasn't rumors. It was an official statement by EA! Also I know the MoH:WF team was working on a port I talked with several EA developers unofficially of course that suggested EA was fully supporting WiiU. But a couple months ago it changed from "All of our major games will be on WiiU" to "We cant talk about it, you'll have to wait till E3". So EA ditched Nintendo for some reason.

As for the other games Sonic with NFC was confirmed by Sega. Sega said Sonic was coming and maybe it still is. As for Activision they fully supported Wii, if they aren't supporting WiiU their is something seriously strong.

I'm still expecting Nintendo to announce another 20 launch window titles by launch. I don't think Nintendo is stupid enough to launch WiiU with the current line up.

As for Wii's failure in the last two years. Yes that is entirely Nintendo's fault they focused to heavily on their non gamers and allowed their core to leave. Later on when they turned to the core they were there to bail Nintendo out.

Reggie has said it time and time again. Nintendo needs both core and casual they cannot neglect one for the other. They are both important. But Nintendo in Japan doesn't appear to acknowledge this!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer