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Slimebeast said:
d21lewis said:
Slimebeast said:
zuvuyeay said:
good work crystalchild,

slimebeast & crystalchild you are both on my psn list so i will hire your pawns when i play this but it won't be for a few months as i am always behind and you would have moved on,but yes i will hire your pawns,haha you'll probably never know though

I will know and you already have my thanks. I will be playing this game for a long time and I always check up on the stats of my pawn in the hope that someone hired her. Which only has happened once so far, out of pity (thank you Crystalchild!).

If you want your pawn to sell, you gotta dress her (make your pawn a femaile) like a whore and dye her hair an obscure color.  Somebody bought my pawn for 28,000RC yesterday and she's just an archer.  It's definitely because of her thong and bright red hair (sometimes it's pink.  Sometimes, it's purple.).  When my Pawn wore a full suit of armor, NOBODY wanted her.

Thanks for saying it so outright. I am still searching for those thongs!

Dying your pawn's hair in bright colors is done by buying colors from that guy in the Encampment by using Rift crystals right?

You buy the dye from him at The Encampment but you have to use it at the barber's shop in Grand Soren.  Later, if you can spare the RC, you can buy the option to change your appearance at any time from the title screen.  Pretty useful since your pawn often looks different than you imagine when you're actually in the game.  Mine was way too tall originally but I was stuck with her.  Then, I bought the option to change her once and I made her too short. 

Anyway, a thong is under the bed of the duchess inside the castle.  It respawns ever few days, too.  Thongs for everybody!  Also, if I use somebody's pawn, you better believe they'll be wearing a thong when they get their pawn back.  It's just my trademark.  Nobody gets their pawn back in the same condition that I get them.  If I run out of thongs, I take their pants off.