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Kasz216 said:

College Graduate unemployment is actually EXTREMLY low despite the level of people working in their fields being low... and most of them working very low end jobs.  The unemployment rate is over twice as high for people with a highschool education.  College degree unemployment is only 3.9%... and that's including people who only accept jobs in their field and can afford to, and people like richard who theoretically have outdated skill sets despite booms in their industries.  (IT is huge in need right now.)

Exactly WHAT part of the IT industry is booming in regards to jobs?  If it comes to software development, or anything that can be sent offshore, it is sent to India or Eastern Europe.  The Dept. that does labor statistics reported that the amount of programmers needed will decline in the coming years.

Are you referring to people who work and maintain servers and such?  Well, I know where I am, which is possibly a big part of it, there isn't a need for anyone.  And local governments aren't hiring either.  IBM has kept downsizing, leaving the local market where I am flooded with former IBMers.  IBM does consolidating and whatnot.  And if you are not local to a place, it is hard to end up even getting an interview with them.  The times are not like they used to be at all.

Are you talking manufacturing in the IT industry?  Well, chip manufacturing is down, and has been down, which came out recently when the GOP ripped a new one for saying during a video conference thing that a woman's husband should be able to find a job in chip design, because it was said hot, when hiring in that industry has been down.  BLS info has computer manufacturing unemployment for May 2012 at 5.8%, which is better than other sectors, but still high:

Well, maybe one can get lucky enough to have the right mix of skills, certifications and portfolio and not been out of work for less than 6 months, then they can pick up a corp-to-corp 3 month contract, without benefits.  Then go from contract to contract.  That can happen.  There is a need for JIT work, consisting of one being lucky enough to have the right mix of skills.