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Mr Khan said:

Doubt you can negotiate a contract with McDonald's or Wal-Mart, but that is a nice tip if i find myself applying for something low-end where the employer has more immediate leeway, thanks.

I suppose the latter is just down to a point of luck, and the police/board of health prioritizing poorly. To countervail your anecdote, i worked at an italian ice stand for $5 (US minimum being 7.15) a whole summer, and the place didn't even have on-site bathrooms.

Well, McDonald's and Walmart typically have a very high staff turnover, anyway. Particularly McDonald's. Their business models are as such that they deem the training costs to be less valuable than staff retention.

The majority of employers are small/medium businesses where such contracts would be much more realistic, also.

How does that countervail my point? I told you that people would do shit anyway, whether it's legal or not. If the Government found out about the wage violation, they'd shut down on it.

Either way, we've gone down a very windy path, here. I asked you to prove your claim that (paraphrased) "labour mobility is a ficticious as the tooth fairy". You didn't do that. My original post stands.