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I know this is a thread about it coming to Wii-U, but just my 2c on the game as a whole:

That trailer really put me off it. I don't know what it was about it, but it just didn't feel like Tomb Raider. I know, I know - origin story, but there's developing a good origin story that stays true to the original design, and then there's this.

Honestly, I haven't been the biggest fan of CD's work on Tomb Raider. I totally respect them for breathing new life into the series after Core Design messed things up, but they shifted things too far from what made Tomb Raider great. It used to be this really challenging action/platformer/puzzler with some great level design and set pieces. I remember the first time I played the first level in Tomb Raider 2, towards the end as you were exploring the area you fell into this Indiana-Jones death trap type scenario with rolling boulders and spiked pits, it was just incredible.

Fast forward to this and I can't see much of the fiddly platforming, I don't see much tomb-plundering and Lara's new design kind of pisses me off to be honest. I can see what they're going for (vulnerable Lara getting stronger as the game goes on) but it remains to be seen if they'll pull it off.

Still, can only hope for the best!