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IamAwsome said:



  • Retro's new game will be a new IP (25 pts)- We didn't see Retro's game
  • At least one 3rd party exclusive that wasn't previously announced will be shown (5 pts)- Does ZombiU count? 
  • Killer Freaks will get extensive screen time (10 pts)- ZombiU
  • At least ONE random Mario spin off that nobody wants (ex. Mario Sports Mix) will be announced (15 pts)- They've done this each of the last few years. Why not this year?
  • A guest that nobody expected will come on stage and talk about the system (5 pts)- The WB Guys
  • Opening up with Black Ops 2 (10 pts)- They CLOSED with this, come on. 
  • Will show at least 3 3rd party multiplats (10 pts)- Splinter Cell, Black Ops II, Tomb Raider
  • Will tease the next gen (3 pts)-No
  • Huge focus on Kinect (2 pts)- Got this one
  • Rare's next game will be shown (5 pts)- Noooo, O.o
  • Will give The Last of Us a LOT of screen time (30 pts)- The only Sony one that I got right.
  • Will finally announce a release date for The Last Guardian (2 pts)-WTF is taking Team Ico so long??
  • FFVII remake will be a PS3 and Vita exclusive (3pts)-No, fail
  • Family friendly new IP announced from Media Molecule (15 pts)- No
  • A partnership with a western publisher is announced (10 pts)- No
  • Will adknowledge an old internet meme (Wildcard)-Funny, NINTENDO was the one that did this.

Replies are bolded.