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I will never understand how the Wii is considered a failure never to be repeated by Nintendo, It managed to sell 96 million copies and even today it manages to sell more than the PSvita (somehow, the Vita is considered a diamond in the rough tho) so when people say "Nintendo is making the same mistakes it made with the Wii" I am willing to bet that Nintendo only wishes this is the case.

Secondly, looking at the positive, I find NintendoLand a great way to introduces us all to the GamePad, I mean how much can we complaint about something that we all know it's going to be free.
Mii Verse really has me excited, finally a social way to chat/ communicate / post things about the games I REALLY love, (XboxLive and PS Network are great dont get me wrong, but Ninty is where my heart is).

Games wise? we all know Super Mario Bros U is a console seller, do not underestimate a 2d Mario game, last 2 did pretty well right? Pikmin 3, Zombi are must buy titles, then there are games that caught my interest such as Project P-100, Tank, Tank, Tank, I admit I wanted a surprise game but we all know the heavy hitters are coming, I am sure Nintendo learned the mistake from 3ds and it will rely on the games mentioned to launch the Wii-U and keep on giving us during 2013,

Lastly, lets all be real, we all know that us the Nintendo fans will buy the Wii-U no matter what, (and believe me there are a lot of us)