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I've faced the final dragon a bit earlier (we died miserably) and my characters are at level 49. I'm ashamed to admit this but.....I can't throw anybody! I can only hold them and then kick them in the ass. How is it that your character is so strong and mine is such a little wimpy girl?

Also, completed a mission to retrieve a magic ring earlier today. Got the ring but I decided to keep it and give the duke a forgery. Stupid idea since hours later, the king wanted to give me a gift from a treasure chest that only the magic ring could open. He was shocked when the ring didn't work. I just acted like I didn't know what was going on. And that's what I really like about this game. You get to make some moral decisions. Some are in your face (Give this person this item or keep it for yourself). Others are a bit more subtle (gathering evidence for a trial--should you tell the whole story or keep some of it a secret?). Others are like the situation mentioned earlier. None are as black and white as what you'd find in other RPG's.

Anyway, I'll finish this game tonight. It was a hell of a ride (until I jump on some DLC, New Game Plus, continue exploring the world Fable style). Now I understand what Aldro was going through with Uncharted 3. Why he loved it so much. He had found his soul mate. He wanted the world to know how much he loved it. I'm not ashamed to tell the world. I love Dragon's Dogma.

Dragon's Dogma and I are in love. We're going to California to get married.