DanneSandin said:
Hahahaha! damn I'm LOLing!!! hahahaha!!! But I've acctually heard that danes don't understand each other if they come from Copenhagen or Jylland... It's really cool you're learning old norse in school! It would be soooo sweet if we had the same opportunity! It is after all a part of our culture and history. As far as I understand there's only like a few letters that seperates norwegian and danish? But I don't really understand why you have nynorsk and bokmål... that's the name for them, right? |
This might not be relevant for the thread, but bokmål is a form of Norwegian that evolved during the 400 years of Danish rule in Norway. Nynorsk is a language that was constructed in the 1850 and is based on the 'original' dialects still spoken in various parts of the country. It was (is?) an attempt to reclaim a more traditional Norwegian language.
Also: Aaaah! Kamelåså!!!