Bong Lover said:
Icelandic is very very similar to Old Norse. In Norway kids learn (some) Old Norse which at least gives some sort of footing to read icelandic. Norsk slik som du sikkert hører det snakket er egentlig en variant av dansk. Det er mange norske dialekter som er mer 'riktig' enn bokmål som det heter hvis du ser historisk på det. Reading Danish is very easy for Norwegians, understanding spoken Danish however,... impossible for anyone. Faktisk er dansk så mongo at dansker selv ikke forstår hva de sier:
Hahahaha! damn I'm LOLing!!! hahahaha!!! But I've acctually heard that danes don't understand each other if they come from Copenhagen or Jylland...
It's really cool you're learning old norse in school! It would be soooo sweet if we had the same opportunity! It is after all a part of our culture and history. As far as I understand there's only like a few letters that seperates norwegian and danish? But I don't really understand why you have nynorsk and bokmål... that's the name for them, right?
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