lilbroex said: You call me arrogant for asking you to elaborate? Well escuse me for liking to discuss things more on facts rather than pure speculations. |
First of all, if you don't like discussing speculation then why did you reply to something you thought was speculation?
But okay. I will elaborate.
I think Durango/Orbis could have 6-core cpus. If we look back to 05/06, the norm for PC gaming was a dual core, PS360 pack tri-cores. 33.33% more cores. The norm for PC gaming nowadays is 4 cores, a 6-core cpu in Durango/Orbis would mean a 33.33% jump in amount of cores over the norm, the same as what we previously have seen. I use the word "could" instead of "probably" for example, because taking into consideration the current economic climate, sonys lack of well, money and the fact that many PC games don't really take advantage of 4 cores, let alone 6, a 6-core cpu in a console in 2013 seems unlikely.
Onto the RAM. If we look at hardware cycles, the next generation has around at least 8 times as much ram as the previous. Usually more, rarely there is less than 8x. 512 (PS360s amount) multiplied by 8 gets us to 4096, or 4gb of RAM. This coupled in with developers asking for 8gb (DICE, Crytek) leads me to believe 4gb is probable for Durango and Orbis.
I think it's a crazy thought as the Wii U has sort of been hyped as/marketed as a console that Nintendo will use to win the core market back, but if it's going up against a Durango and Orbis boasting 2x the cores and 2x the RAM, (GPU divide must also be fairly large, unless one manufacturer screws up and reall over/underpowers areas of there console) it's gonna be hard for Nintendo to compete for the core audience.