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Hey, I'm going to quote myself. It shows that so far this gen, no games has had its legs.

Well, it is clearly one of the best legged games.

TP, SMG and Mp8 are all the first on the Wii in some of Nintendo's best selling franchises. They launched at about the same time of the year. (well, Mp8 a little earlier)®2=All&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=All&game3=The+Legend+of+Zelda%3A+Twilight+Princess+-+Wii&weeks=40

Same goes for Mario and Sonic at the olympic games. Everyone agrees this game has great legs, but can it stand up to Mario? No way!®2=All&game2=Super+Mario+Galaxy+-+Wii®3=All&game3=Mario+%26+Sonic+at+the+Olympic+Games+-+Wii&weeks=40

Call of Duty and Gears of war? Gears does not stand a change, but CoD4 actually helt up for a long time, but dipped a tiny bit earlier.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS