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It's good enough. Too many great first-party IPs at launch would kill 3rd Party interest and force too much competition during the holiday season. A Mario game is enough for the Wii U at launch, plus it has Pikmin 3 and a good slew of other 3rd Party greats, even a lot of reasons for casuals to actually want the system. So I think that is enough for the casual/semi-core gamer this holiday season. I'm sure the rest will wait until 2013, when the actual core franchises are announced and released (i.e 3D mario, smash, zelda).

Long story short, I'll be getting a Wii U day one. It actually won me over with how it was integrating online capabilities. Also getting Pikmin 3 with it, woot woot! :D

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = best game ever made.