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<soapbox&gtThis story sounds stupid fake.

And if I want to call everyone of you a stupid mother fucking fucking super star gay idiot that can't even finish Heavenly Sword without, that does not mean I deserve to get beat up.

There is a world of difference between saying something and hitting someone.

If this story was true, the brother would have been a TOTAL MORON for not just ignoring them and walking away. I mean, he went back fuming mad because the guy said he was a pussy? Why does he care what some asshole says, why would he go back there and start something. Now I know he didn't hit first, but he was already out of there. There was no reason to go back.&lt/soapbox&gt

PSN ID: TheSimkin

GamerTag: TheSimkin

WII friend Code: 0002 7972 4522 2681