I would give the conference a three out of ten in regards to its entertainment value. You simply shouldn't promote a media event to the general public, and allow that event to become boring, or worse infantile in its presentation. The reality is gamers. The audience being courted have a low tolerance for these antics, and Microsoft isn't doing itself any favors by boring them to tears. Were any movie, television show, or game to do something like this in practice. That product would be publicly ridiculed for good reason.
Speaking to the educational value. Microsoft actually does a worse job. Cross platform connectivity isn't anything close to a new concept, neither is voice recognition for that matter. These design choices are givens. That holds true for browsers as well, and more media partners. Once again it is a given that these things will happen. Basically these things didn't need to be explained, or explained for as long as they were. Microsoft spent forty minutes plus on this content when it should realistically take less then five minutes. If there weren't going to get into specifics. Then it should have been a honorable mention only. The educational value was two out of ten.
I think Microsoft needs to abandon this mixed bag approach, because it is at cross purposes with itself. You can't be lobbying members of the industry and gamers at the same briefing. They are interested in different things, and if in trying to do it for both. You give a poor quality result in regards to both. Then logically you should split them apart so you can make a better presentation to the two groups individually.
The only thing I approved of really was the upfront block, because it shows signs of Microsoft coming around. It wouldn't all be so bad if Microsoft just made the first half of their show about the games, and kept them locked up there. So the general public could tune in for thirty minutes, and then turn off when it came time for the very boring technical showcasing. The only reason any gamer sits through almost a hour of crap is, because they want to see the part of the show that goes out on the high note.
I think this show being better then the previous two outings. Doesn't fundamentally change the fact that it is still crap. Sure you can argue that this show was rabbit shit as compared to the previous cow shit, but should you be at all happy about having shit thrown at you. I for one am not. I am done with their live press events, and will just make it a point to watch the highlights in the future.