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2nd question. I guess they would spend more money on the update then they would receive. the reviewers hurt the game a lot and sales are already said and done. If they release a patch there wouldn't be a big enough spike to justify the money spent. but let me point out the controls aren't as bad as they say. i watched retards try and play the game and they were flailing their arms everywhere expecting the controls to respond. needless to say they said the game was unresponsive and glitchy, on the other hand the people who made slight movements to control the dragon found the game alright and don't see why the control aspect of things justified such low ratings 4.5 was a ridiculous rating, 6-6.5 would be justified if you don't like the controls. 7-7.5 if they used analog 7.5-8 if they fixed the "glitches"