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lol...I got into a fight with a cheerleader back in August at the university I went to. She was harassing me for sitting down with her friends. She did the same thing last school year and I blew it off. That night in August, she slanders me with hate and threats if I didn't get up at the table in the cafeteria (wtf I just wanted to eat my chicken patty sandwiches, and THEN I would move, but NOOOO...). She takes some of my stuff, throws it (breaks some CDs in my bag). I pick it up and sit back down. Then she gets all in my face and I lunge at her with my fist, barely tapping her on the nose. Then she acts like a drama queen, being like she seriously got hurt. Then some stupid wretch behind me calls the campus police on me. One thing people don't know about me, at college, is that I'm autistic, so I have a documented disability. I also believe it's breaking a federal law for harassing or messing with a person with a documented disability (and no, I'm not retarded lol I'm ADHD and have Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high-functioning autism). 

I did get into 'trouble,' but the girl and her friends (who I thought were mine, but they set this up; the whole thing was a trap) were the ones who got into more. The girl files an arrest warrant on me for 'assault on a female,' when I was the victim being harassed and defend myself by lashing out of fear. So my dad and I file an arrest warrant on her for assault (she touched and grabbed me before she got my bag). We had to go to this city court (MY GOD, it was the definition of GHETTO...) and we had a lawyer. She didn't have one, so we rescheduled a few weeks later. We then got charges dropped on both sides. Then my parents got sick of the way I was treated at the college, so they withdrew me (all this crap affected my grades too). The cheerleaders were supposedly dealt with, but I heard from a few of my friends that NOTHING happened to them. They didn't even get kicked off their team for what they did to me.

Then a few weeks later, the stupid bitches get a hold of my cell phone number and start harassing me AGAIN. 3 times in one night; isn't that considered harassment? We also reported them to the college's vice chancellor, since they broke the "no contact agreement." The vice chancellor didn't do shit again to them.

Then another few weeks later, they get a hold of my house number and harassed me again. I told my parents, and they said if they do it again to tell them. Then last week, one of the girls gets a hold of my other AIM screen name and sends hate messages. I print those out, give them to my parents. My parents then email the campus police and vice chancellor, so NOW they MAY do SOMETHING to them even more severe. We may have to hire our lawyer again, and this time we might sue those girls.

Oh, and if anyone asks if the girls are cute, think again. They are hideous and look like the true definitions of the word 'bitch.' One of the girls' room mates took a photo of the one girl taking a BATH (and yes, she's naked; but her privates are covered, so you can't see anything but her pudgy body). I can use that photo for blackmailing her. I feel like posting the picture on Facebook right now lmao