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Sorry I misunderstood I thought that your brother knocked him out which usually means knocked unconscious. In which case all I could see in my minds eye was some poor slob out cold while someone else tore him apart. Which is most definitely not cool, and very dangerous. You can do a lot of damage to someone like that. You can easily shatter bones and blow out blood vessels.


While I got teased a lot I was usually the one dishing out a horrific beating. Thats the thing about having a temper your almost impervious to pain, and adrenaline is one hell of a motivator. Gives you tremendous strength, and sharpens your reflexes. I have stabbed people, dislocated joints, broke fingers, and choked people unconscious. I wasn't adverse to clubbing people either. Thats the thing about a bad temper it isn't smart its sadistic and stupid.

So trust me when I say violence isn't the solution. I have plenty of first hand knowledge of the after math. The trouble it gets you in, and the emotional scars it invariably leaves. Having a temper like some people seem to think isn't a switch you can just flip off its a problem that must be confronted and dealt with.

Weezy is jubilant now, but what if as he said the guy had a knife or a gun. What could have happened. What will happen if his friend called the police, or someone witnessed what happened and called the police. What if the guys they attacked were in a gang, or had friends that might come looking for him and his brother. Things can always get worse, and the shoe could drop any second.

Basically a lot of posters in this thread are rubber necking, or standing at the bottom of a building hoping that the suicide on the roof really jumps. Why care after all its great entertainment for them, because they will never have to deal with the consequences. Seriously Weezy your brother should at the very least visit some form of mental health provider. A bad temper like this is bound to get him in trouble some day if not get him hurt probably cost him a few jobs.