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Mars said:
famousringo said:
Mars said:

expect wii fanboys to foolishly jump for joy based on the thread title.

That's funny, because I came here for the enraged Sony fanboys like you. ;)

why the hell would any sony fan be enraged ???

Seeing wii or 360 fanboys drool over our games and foolishly take every MGS4 rumor to heart is pretty funny in my eyes.


 You must be pretty dissapointed then since everyone seems unanimous in the fact that its not coming to the Wii and nobody seems at all annoyed by that fact. 

I'm just glad you weren't here for the MH3 anouncement...I hadn't realised till that announcement how big of a game that was for some PS3 owners...looks good though so I might try it.  

To Each Man, Responsibility