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Working my way through Inferno Act 2 solo and this is no piece of cake.
It actually wasn't so bad until I hit the Cave of Betrayer and then I was stucked there forever.
There's just no way i can beat a spider Broodling champion or rare in those tight corridors when even without the fast mod they already move faster than me...
I think I reloaded that dungeon like 15 times and ended up parking the bosses of the first level in a corner and skipping them...( and weirdly enough after that I moved to the Vault of the Assassin where I killed like a dozen champion and rare packs and skipped nothing)

I'm in the Archives now and I should get past it toonight..
The last part hasn't been good for my cash though, I was dying so much the gold I was making was just covering for repairs...
Thankfully I found a WD offhand early in Act 2 I was able to sell for 1 million so that allowed me to do a few upgrades...

I'm sitting at 20.4k dps, 32k hp, 6300 armor and 400 or so resists with buffs...
Nothing one shots me but it's still no piece of cake...

One change I'm going to have to make soon is probably get away from Diamond Skin and switch to teleport as there are way too many situations where the skin can't save me where a teleport actually would..

Now that I have spent more time in D3 with my wiz and my barb I really wish we had one more skill button. It would make the game better giving us more choices but still woudn't imbalance things too much...

I hope the expansion brings this. 1 more skill and 1 more passive would be perfect...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !