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lilbroex said:
sergiodaly said:

Saturo Iwata has revealed during Nintendo’s pre-E3 press conference that Wii U has been created to provide “something that will help unite people rather than divide them – whether in same room or great distances apart.”


Discussing how the controller has changed,  Iwata showed off the new analogue sticks and the buttons, which have been moved to make the controller more comfortable. An added NFC reader/writer, was also shown, allowing users to place figures on the WiiU Gamepad or scan AR cards. We are also told that WiiU GamePad has a TV control button and can be used as a fully independent infrared TV remote.

One of the biggest announcements is that Nintendo will release a WiiU pro controller, which you can see pictured below. Looks a bit like a 360 controller eh?


I bet you jumped to post this just make the claim that it looked like the 360 controller but no, it looks like the gamecube controller fused with the classic controller/snes controller.

The 360 controller is just a copy of Dreamcast controller with dual shock features added. The dualshock is known to be a concept copy of the N64 controller(rumble and analog controller) that was released because it was successful with Nintendo just as with move.

All of these designs  are just revisions of SEGA and Nintendo's previous designs. I mean there  is much more tweaking that can be done to those designs.

sorry... thats not my opinion... i was in a hurry and post the original news article from the source (copy, paste)... they made that final question... not me...

now IMO, for the overall aspect of it... yes it looks like a 360 controller... whats wrong with that? from a distance you might think that is a 360 controller, proving the similarity. we can only guess where is the inspiration come from when MS, Sony and Nintendo do their design, but human hands are what they are... there is not much they can do to fit and be ergonomic. there will always be similarities.

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