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wick said:
Kasz216 said:
AndrewWK said:
Kasz216 said:
AndrewWK said:
Digital Distribution is bad, it kills game stores. People lose their jobs. Maybe its not yet the case but it could happen. Just imagine if a company like Gamestop would die because of that. Are you aware of how many people would lose their jobs?
And its not cheaper at all, espacially Steam is on of the most expensive stores I know of.

You know what else is bad?  Sewing machines.  You know how many more people were needed to make clothing before then?

Also, the printing press.  I mean, 5 seconds and you have 50 copies.  It used to take scribes DAYS to make copies like that.

Also, Farming machines, the internet and email, computers, typwriters, Radio, TV, Cameas, record players, cell phones, phones, the telegraph, and pretty much every invention or adopted technology ever.

Tell me what do you do for a living, and be honest.

Those machines where inveted to optimize the production process. Digital Distribution doesn´t optimize anything, it takes away market share from physical distributors. And now this goddamn freaks don´t even have a reson to leave there house.

And the last part of your post doesn´t make any sense.

Those are all things that were invented that cost jobs.

Digital Downloads very much optimizes something.  Delivery Method.

Just how Email is quicker and more efficent then the post office, tv is quicker and more efficent then putting on plays across the country etc.

Digital distribution is quicker and easier then driving to the store and downloading off a disc.

Not true at all.

My local game shop is a 6 minute drive away.

The last time I downloaded a reasonably large game took me 6 hours on my crappy internet connection.

And before you say upgrade your connection. I can't. This is the fastest possible in my area. Oh and we have download limits too.

No.  That's not true... for you specifically.

For me, I'll have most games downloaded before i even get to the store.  Assuming the store even carries said games.  Which often they don't.

Not going to find a store anywhere with the product offering of Steam.