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sperrico87 said:

You don't have a right, and are not entitled to someone else's money. Private charity exists to help those who are in need, and for the most part people are generous and will help if they can. What is immoral is forcibly taking money from someone against their will and giving it to someone else.

Cell phones are not a right. There's just nothing else to say about that. No one, anywhere, should be given a free cell phone. That money should be used for roads or infrastructure. I work for a living, don't make much, and I have to pay for a cell phone on my own. Why should you get one for free? That offends me.

And you cannot argue that there are a lot of people on the welfare rolls who would lose money if they were to get a real job and start living in the real world. That is why so many people stay on welfare, because if they were to take a job, they would make less and therefore the welfare itself becomes a disincentive to working. That also offends me.

In Michigan, where I live, it used to be that the more children you had while on welfare, the more money you would receive every month. Thank God that law was overturned several years ago, and now there is a cap. There were literally lazy mothers who would deliberately have more kids just to get a bigger check every month, and then they would use the extra money on themselves instead of their children.

In Michigan, food stamps are called the "Bridge card", and until 2010 it was possible for college students to apply for one and receive hundreds of dollars a month for food. Guess what happened? People started taking advantage of it and used the bridge card to buy steak and shrimp, drink mixers, and expensive, high-on-the-hog things, and used their cash to buy alcohol. So it was overturned, because the abuse was so rampant.

Do you see where I'm going here? You've done nothing to convince me that welfare is a good thing. All you've done is proven that many people on welfare feel entitled and take advantage of others who work hard for a living and themselves are near-poor but somehow still manage to not be on welfare. I don't get any welfare, I work hard for a living, and I barely make ends meet. I'd rather live like I am now for the rest of my life than ever become a leech.

Great post man. You pretty much summed up my thoughts in those first three paragraphs.