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Lol, i would have to disagree with you when it comes to the PS4...we don't know enough yet. and if Sony introduces a fee to play online so be it, as long they keep the benefits of PSPlus which i highly appreciate since i get a lot of free games and full fledge games at a discount. And rumor has it that the PS4 is still going to be bastly superior in hadrware compared to the 720, and the mistake they won't make again is the development part, the PS3 was a "pain" at the beginning to dev for but once they got used to it the graphic advantage began to show and more 3rd party devs brought games to the PS3(Bioshock and many others, cant think of them). Theres is alot of thing Sony are doing to try to get ahead of the competition and they have been very active lately. As for the WiiU, i agree with what you say, is too litle to late for Nintendo at this point and the control is akward, i hate to say it but Nintendo are going to fail badly, but we will see.
