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Chandler said:
Again, it doesn't matter how soon the other companies can do what the Wii U does by then. You are telling me people are waiting for a company to provide a gimmick "soon" that another company already offers. That's not a neutral consumer standpoint, that's your typical biased fanboy consumer. Casuals are not fanboys, they go where the most exciting product IS, and not where it WILL BE SOON.

Ok, apply that thinking to tablet gaming vs wii U tablet gaming. There ARE tablets that people game on now.

By the time the Wii U is out, tablets will prbably be connecting to your TV. The latest in which this will happen is maybe about a year, even then tablets will be doing the same thing a mere few months after the Wii U launches. And again, this is assuming casuals even give a crap about connecting their tablet to their TV.

Look at motion controls, Nintendo was there first and Sony and MS adapted "soon."

No, they didn't adapt soon, they adapted almost 4 years after Nintendo introduced it to the mainstream. Tablets on the other hand will be doing what the Wii U does a few months after it launches, at latest.