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Jay520 said:
Also, the Wii U will be launch a year before the other consoles. If within that time period, 3rd party developers find success, they'll likely stick with the Wii U just to be safe.

True. People always like to cite a system coming out first as an inherent negative, but it's not. Companies that intend to compete with the WiiU have the advantage of being able to create a more powerful system. But that's basically the ONLY advantage they have. And it's not even really an advantage, as much as it is an obligation. Why would someone release something weaker than what is already out?

I mean what seems more attractive to the consumer? The system that is cheap that all their friends have as well that already has 5-10 good games or so? Or the thing that just came out, is pretty expensive, and has yet to get a few quality titles?

What is more attractive from the developer's perspective? The system with an install base of 10-20 million? Or again, the system that just came out and has yet to achieve a profitable install base?

When you take all of these factors in to consideration, it's easy to see why the system power that the 720 and PS4 WILL have over the WiiU (which I feel is pretty much undeniable) doesn't really mean much. If we're not just talking about console gaming, and we're taking PC in to consideration as well, all the 720 and PS4's power will do for them is up the price.