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Microsoft will announce a new Gears of War during its E3 conference on Monday it has been revealed by gaming magazine GameInformer. Nothing is known about this title at the moment other than the image revealed below, showing a silhouetted figure in chains. Remember back in the first Gears of War, we find Marcus in a prison cell having spent four years for abandoning his military post in order to make a vain attempt to save his father, Adam Fenix so maybe we could be seeing a prequel of some sort here?

Epic Games president Mike Capps, has also revealed the developers who are involved via his Twitter account writing, “Do I detect People Can Fly involvement? YES YES YES!” in response to a question aimed at Bulletstorm creative director Adrian Chmielarz. Chmielarz replied with “I detect Epic PR team’s heart attack,” before said message was deleted.

Does this mean the developer is completely working on it or simply lending a hand? I for one enjoyed Bulletstorm so really look forward to seeing what the Polish developer can do with the franchise. With E3 now just days away expect to find out more at Microsoft’s conference come Monday.