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I think the "bubble" thing has been around for much, much, longer than cable news/the Internet. It's just that we're now more aware of other people's bubbles.

It's all about who you associate with. I know my nan, for example, spends most of her time down the pub with her friends, and they have all formed a bubble (I'm sure they spend 90% of their time discussing how immigration is destroying the country). My mum works in education and social services, and she spends a lot of time socializing with her colleagues, and she ends up with extremely strong views on those areas. My dad spends most of his time on a golf course with other businessmen, and their top issues seem to be taxes, regulations, etc.

Now, they have these bubbles, and they're all fine, until we all sit down for a family dinner at Christmas, and all hell breaks loose. (For those interested, I tend to keep my nose out... because I just know that they will all turn against me).

The Internet hasn't made the bubble situation better or worse (these people are hyper-partisan, and do not use the Internet), but what it has lead to is a greater frequency of clashes.