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Posters should learn to read the posts of their fellow members before posting. It goes a long way to preventing the dreaded face palm. With just a few minutes reading many of you could have kept yourselves from looking foolish. Someone already posted that the person who uploaded the video has confirmed that it wasn't genuine. It was part of some kind of class project. If that isn't incentive enough for some of you. Then how about some courtesy for those that are contributing. They took time to post. How much would it kill you exactly to take a few seconds to read their thoughts.

The only thought of substance that I have to contribute to this discussion is this. Square should just discard this whole convoluted naming scheme they are using for their games. Not only is it confusing for consumers, but it is also grammatically speaking atrocious. Things like mixing Roman numerals, and Arabic numerals is actually pretty ludicrous as is including a word like versus in the title. Which implies a opposition between two things.

Someone at Square needs to review the system as a whole, because names that look ugly are likely to drive away potential new customers. First impressions matter, and the very first impression is the name. Be honest guys how many of you would say go see a movie named Twisted Aether XIII-2. I bet if you knew nothing about this series, or this movie that title would intimidate you at the very least, and seem totally absurd at the most.

Square should just go with proper names for games in this series. The numbers are just redundant, and in most cases counter productive at this point.